The uprising of a French Spring?

45 images Created 12 Apr 2016

After the release of a project to reform the labor code in France by the socialist goverment of François Hollande in February 2016, the french society started to move quickly. The huge rejection of the so called "loi El Khomri" (named after the minister of labor, Myriam El Khomri) triggered general strikes and demonstrations in many cities of the country, but also gave birth to a new social phenomenon. The "Nuit Debout" (a mixture between standing and reborned night) started to congregate hundreds, and even thousands of people, mostly young ones, every evening in the Place de la Republique in Paris since March 31st. Nevertheless the struggle, the State used a lot of violence to mine the movement and on August 9, 2016 the law came into force by a gazette notification.
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